Step 1:
Go to Mail -> Add Account
Step 2:
Select "Add Another Mail Account" and select continue
Step 3:
Enter your name and the email address/password provided by SiteWizard, then click create.
Step 4:
Select Account Type as "POP", enter in the Mail Server box.
Enter your username and password for this account, as provided by SiteWizard, then click next.
Step 5:
Set the Port to 995, ensure the "Use SSL" is ticked and set Authentication to Password, then click Next.
Step 6:
Enter in the SMTP Server box.
Enter your username and password for this account, as provided by SiteWizard, then click Create.
Step 7:
Set the Port to 465, ensure the "Use SSL" is ticked and set Authentication to Password, then click Create.
The account should then be setup